IO Trio

IO Trio

Enjoy our exclusive bundle of isolated-origin, limited-edition coffees. Each bean is carefully sourced from dedicated producers who bring generations of expertise to their craft. This collection celebrates the unique terroirs and the passionate farmers behind every harvest. With only a small batch of each variety available, this bundle is a rare journey through some of the finest coffee-growing regions on Earth. Perfect for connoisseurs and adventurers alike, every cup tells a story of sustainability, artistry, and devotion to quality.


Whole Bean

3 x 250g (8.8oz)

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IO TrioIO Trio
IO Trio
IO TrioIO Trio
IO Trio
IO TrioIO Trio
IO Trio
Enjoy our exclusive bundle of isolated-origin, limited-edition coffees. Each bean is carefully sourced from dedicated producers who bring generations of expertise to their craft. This collection celebrates the unique terroirs and the passionate farmers behind every harvest. With only a small batch of each variety available, this bundle is a rare journey through some of the finest coffee-growing regions on Earth. Perfect for connoisseurs and adventurers alike, every cup tells a story of sustainability, artistry, and devotion to quality.


Whole Bean

3 x 250g (8.8oz)